Command line interface

Several commands are available to help manage your instance. These commands are available through make when launched from the same directory as the Makefile. (If you are running Askomics in a docker container, you will need to connect to it to launch these commands)

You can run the make help command to get a list of available admin commands.

Updating namespaces

Version 4.2 added the /data/<uri> route showing the properties linked to a node. To make sure that your URIs are properly redirecting to this route, you should make sure that the namespace_data and namespace_internal configuration option are set to your instance url. Make sure to match either http or https depending on your instance, and don't forget /data/ or /internal/.

Updating an existing instance

If you changed the namespaces after having already integrated some files, you will need to run two additional commands to update your existing data.

  • make update-base-url You will be prompted to enter the previous namespace url, and then the new one. You can either enter a partial namespace url (ex: or the full one (ex: In the latter case, you will need to run the command twice (once for each namespace)

  • make clear-cache This will clear the abstraction cache, making sure your data is synchronized with the new namespaces.